- Possibility Management
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- Possibility Management
Hannah Abouzahrah
- Possibility Management
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- Possibility Management
- Possibility Management
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- Possibility Management
Hannah Abouzahrah
- Possibility Management
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- Possibility Management
Hannah Abouzahrah
Possibility Coaching
Miscarriage, Pregnancy & Freebirth
Emotional Healing Processes
About Me
I am a Mother, Possibilitator and Cultural Midwife, assisting the birth of the next culture, Archiarchy, through how I raise my daughter and holding space for other parents and children to do the same.
I graduated from The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, with an MSc from the School of Social and Political Science in Global Environment, Politics and Society.
Even though I had sworn not to go back to writing essays, which had been an excruciating process for me during my BA, something about doing this particular degree was beyond that - it was a full body YES, I have to do this!
The intensity increased in the final countdown to finishing: I conducted interviews for the case study I was researching about plastic food packaging. I started reading a book called 'Island' by Aldous Huxley which was resonating with how I wanted to be living and expanding my box. I was going through a major liquid state about writing and putting together 15,000 words and discovering ways of living which were awakening something in me and then it came to writing the conclusion of my dissertation...
I was disillusioned by the responses I received from my interviews which summed up to passing the responsibility over to someone else and blaming others for current problems...
It was during this writing that I had an epiphany. A full body experience, I felt it drop in through the crown of my head and wash down the rest of my body as tingles: The best thing I could do right now was to change myself and my inner landscape by taking more responsibility and not try to fix something that was happening externally in the outside world. In other words, my best hope of having any influence or inspiring others was to 'become the change I wanted to see in the world' (Ghandi).
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”― Rumi
This was such a powerful moment for me. A jaw-dropping realisation that had me deciding to take my personal yoga practise further and become an instructor.
Part of the potency of this moment was in the paradox that I would not be directly using the MSc, and that I had done it for a different purpose, and that it was leading me elsewhere.
I stuck with my plans to travel for 6 months, heading for New Zealand.
Then when I made it to Golden Bay, I sensed that this is where I wanted to stay, at least for now (back in 2019). At the time of arriving in New Zealand I split from my former partner and shortly after met my current partner and father of my daughter.
I met sorceress and village weaver Janet Redmond who told me I had to participate in an Expand The Box Training (ETB). And so with my partner, compost king and soil whisperer Elliot Cleland, who I met at the Takaka Community Gardens (then), I attended my first ETB with transformation trainer queen Ana Norambuena in 2020.
I remember saying once to a relative in Egypt that I knew there was a connection between emotions and the current state of the world and I was going to find it. The ETB just delivered me the link. It gathered some key threads of my past and merged them into one. The training was another series of 'aha' moments for me. And so Possibility Management became the path for me and I committed to attending further trainings and to share this work with others.
I organised ETBs, attended LABs (the training that an ETB qualifies you to attend), participated in an intensive Emotional Healing Process Team, attended Trainer Skills days, joined the Possibilitator Training calls and started training as a Possibility Coach.
Then in 2022, before my daughter was born, I removed myself from these spaces in order to hold space for my journey into Motherhood. Evelyn Irene was born under the Wainui Stars at Tui Community. After going through a lot of pain about the nuclear family model and wanting to experience something different, I started experimenting and our family moved to Pohara with 3 other adults. It was clear that children were missing from the equation and we later embarked on another experiment with another family of four at Cherry Tree Highway. Among our purposes was to see how it goes to become one family, share resources, be on each others team and share spaceholding of the children, aged 2, 2 and 4. This experiment allowed me to start opening back up to this work and offering my value as a spaceholder for coaching and EHPs, specialising in miscarriage, pregnancy, freebirth, parenting and anger work. Both families are now part of Ontree Centre.
Other spaces I feature in... Radically Alive Women (RAW) Edgecast: I was interviewed about my journey with pregnancy and freebirth by Julia Neumann (listen on my parenting page) and I am part of the creation team.
Possibility Coaching...
One-on-one sessions, usually 1 hour in length.
Based on your necessity. Bring your questions and enter a space of possibility.
"Hannah compassionately invites my inner mess to come out and I’m reminded that Neutrality doesn’t need to be without a sense of humor. By looking at the chaos without stories attached I discover within me the keys to create magic." - Maria Diaz
"After experiencing many years of supervision, counselling and therapy training I was not sure what to expect with Possibility Coaching. I found Hannah offered refreshing client centred sessions, led with light support and without restricting structure. I appreciated exploring what arose through an embodied approach and I would recommend Hannah to health and care professionals as an adjunct to supervision for this reason. I would also recommend her to anyone who is looking for fresh, focused, brief personal and relational work." - Michelle Cole, Registered Nurse Specialist (Child, Adolescent & Family).
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